In the course of our business, we talk to a lot of people about their financial experience so far. You know what we often find missing in their lives? A financial advisor with experience – especially when it comes to building a client-advisor relationship from the ground up, so it’s built to last. 

Strong, But Flexible 

What exactly does that mean? If there’s no process in place to bring your business “on board,” you’re left wondering what’s going to happen next, and when it’s going to happen. Instead of relieving you of the stress related to managing your money, this only piles on more. 

At the same time, a good advisor also needs to know how to inject flexibility into their routine. There’s nothing more frustrating than coming to someone for answers to your most pressing financial questions, only to encounter endless tangents that have nothing to do with your most urgent concerns. You want to start working on the biggest issues right away, even as you start to build your enduring infrastructure. 

Experienced Advice at a Glance 

All of this is why a strategic wealth advisor who is experienced at adeptly delivering their client experience can make or break your financial success. At Cogent Strategic Wealth, our big-picture aim is to bring these critical components to bear on your financial well-being:

  • Organization. We will help bring order to your financial life.
  • Objectivity. Your most important financial decisions deserve realistic responses. We will advise you accordingly … even if it includes tough truths you may not always want to hear. 
  • Proactivity. Life happens – often when you least expect it. We will help you take the necessary steps to stay one step ahead of life’s inevitable transitions.  
  • Education. Knowledge is power, so we want to arm you with the necessary resources to understand your options, risks, and opportunities, and facilitate your ability to choose accordingly. 
  • Partnership. You want to live the best life possible, on your terms. We want to work in concert with you (not just for you) to help you do just that.

A Close-Up Experience 

Zooming in for a closer look, we’ve also got a process in place for delivering all of these components and more. Before any financial planning takes place, we first get to know you, your situation, your values, your relationships, and your greatest aspirations – in your life, for your career and with your money. 

Next, we’ll walk you and your family through our Design | Build | Protect Life on Your Terms strategic approach which is our structured process for connecting your available assets with your highest aspirations. 

During your first year as a Cogent client, you can expect to meet with us about 5–6 times. The information we’ll gather allows us to create an individualized financial plan for you, based on our deep understanding of your goals and priorities. Your experience includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Receiving a “Personal CFO” level of care, management and oversight
  • A situation-specific financial plan based on your essential goals
  • An individually structured evidenced-based investment portfolio
  • Access to our dynamic team of professionals to address any other areas of your financial life

Ready for a Cogent Conversation®? 

So, how does that sound? Is your financial experience missing this level of experience? If so, let’s schedule a Cogent Conversation® to explore whether we can step up your game. We’ll listen to what success looks like to you, build a plan tailored for you, and help you execute that plan every step of the way. 


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© 2022, Cogent Strategic Wealth®