Cogent Blog

Our Articles

Here you’ll find our library of personal and business financial articles.

Balance Your Career Risk with Investments for Success
Balance Your Career Risk with Investments for Success
Connecting Your Career With Your Financial Capital Part 3: Human Capital Risks and Expected Investment Rewards Last month we talked about how entrepreneurial and other...
Invest in Your Own Financial Literacy
Invest in Your Own Financial Literacy
It’s a great tragedy that despite its obvious importance to everyone, our educational system almost totally ignores the field of finance and investments. This is...
Connect Price and Expected Returns
Connect Price and Expected Returns
It has been more than 50 years since the idea of stock prices containing all relevant information was put forth. Information might come in the...
Do You Have a Full Line-Up in Investing?
Do You Have a Full Line-Up in Investing?
Here at Cogent we try to keep the financial jargon to a minimum. But even where we may succeed, you’re likely to encounter references elsewhere...
Attorneys: Wonder Why You Are Working So Hard?
Attorneys: Wonder Why You Are Working So Hard?
We are continuing our series for attorneys and how they can overcome their unique financial challenges. Read about Challenge 1: Time is NOT on an attorney’s side. Read...
How Smart Investors Factor in Themselves as an Asset
How Smart Investors Factor in Themselves as an Asset
Connecting Your Career with Your Financial Capital Part 2: Your Human Capital as an Investment Welcome back to our multipart series on how to balance...
Paying for College: Take a Pragmatic Point of View
Paying for College: Take a Pragmatic Point of View
Part 3 of College Funding: How do you Finance a Dream? Last time we discussed how to speak with your child about choices you should...
Attorneys: Not Every Risk is Worth Avoiding
Attorneys: Not Every Risk is Worth Avoiding
Here we continue our series for attorneys and how they can overcome their unique financial challenges. Read about Challenge 1: Time is NOT on an attorney’s side. Read...
Connect Your Career to Your Financial Capital
Connect Your Career to Your Financial Capital
Part 1: What’s Your Human Capital Worth to You? Most of us spend plenty of time thinking about how much our wealth matters to us....
College Funding Factors: First Are Candid Family Conversations
College Funding Factors: First Are Candid Family Conversations
Last week we talked about how families are seriously overdue for some candid, in-depth conversations about the costs and benefits of higher education. You can...
Funding College: Have You Talked Through the Monumental Family Decision?
Funding College: Have You Talked Through the Monumental Family Decision?
College Funding: How Do You Finance a Dream? Part I: It’s a Family Affair It’s no wonder that planning for their children’s educational aspirations is...
Attorneys: Overcome Your Financial Challenges
Attorneys: Overcome Your Financial Challenges
There are few professions that demand as much advanced education and on-the-job proficiency as that of the attorney. However, many attorneys remain at a disadvantage...

Success should be a reward - not an obstacle

Your ambitions and struggles are unique, so our wealth solutions go beyond the conventional – they reflect your needs and wants.