Cogent Blog

Our Articles

Here you’ll find our library of personal and business financial articles.

When Rates Go Up, Do Stocks Go Down?
When Rates Go Up, Do Stocks Go Down?
Should stock investors worry about changes in interest rates? Research shows that, like stock prices, changes in interest rates and bond prices are largely unpredictable.[1] It...
Avoiding Financial Scams and Identity Theft Slams
Avoiding Financial Scams and Identity Theft Slams
Young or old, wealthy or poor, online or in person … Nobody is immune from financial scams and identity theft slams. No matter who you...
Parents: Don’t Sacrifice Yourselves on the Altar of Your Child’s Higher Education
Parents: Don’t Sacrifice Yourselves on the Altar of Your Child’s Higher Education
Parents have sacrificed their financial futures on the altar of their children’s education. Fueled by easy federal money and self-interested colleges, the result is a...
15 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Financial Advisor
15 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Financial Advisor
The job titles vary: financial planner, investment manager, wealth advisor … We could go on. Often, these names are arbitrary, so the savvy investor digs...
A Winning Investment Strategy is Available to Any Investor
A Winning Investment Strategy is Available to Any Investor
Baseball season is back in full force and I am always optimistic my team will be more than a winning team – but be “that...
Trader, Should You Fire Yourself as Your Own Wealth Advisor?
Trader, Should You Fire Yourself as Your Own Wealth Advisor?
I am lucky. From my career as a commodities trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, I count many intelligent, inquisitive and hardworking financial professionals as...
Protect Your Greatest Financial Asset with Disability Insurance
Protect Your Greatest Financial Asset with Disability Insurance
It may not always feel like it when you drag yourself out of bed each morning, but the fact remains: You and your ongoing ability...
Financial Elder Abuse: It CAN Happen To You
Financial Elder Abuse: It CAN Happen To You
Anyone who knows me, knows I’m usually a pretty upbeat guy. I like to have fun with these blog posts, even when the subject matter...
Factor Human Capital Risk into Your Financial Plans
Factor Human Capital Risk into Your Financial Plans
When designing an investment plan and deciding on the appropriate asset allocation, you should make sure to consider your unique ability, willingness and need to...
2016 Market Review: Score One for Investment Optimism
2016 Market Review: Score One for Investment Optimism
“If three or five years of returns are going to change your mind [on an investment], you shouldn’t have been there to begin with.” ―Nobel...
Building on Your Financial Dreams With a Personal CFO
Building on Your Financial Dreams With a Personal CFO
As a successful professional or someone with a similar mindset, how are you handling your personal wealth? Wishing makes dreams come true only in Disney...
What You Need to Know About Giving
What You Need to Know About Giving
Giving is a big buzzword in American culture these days, especially around the holidays. You want to be a person who gives to others, but...

Success should be a reward - not an obstacle

Your ambitions and struggles are unique, so our wealth solutions go beyond the conventional – they reflect your needs and wants.