Category: risk management

Long-Term Investors, Don’t Let a Recession Faze You
Long-Term Investors, Don’t Let a Recession Faze You
With activity in many industries sharply curtailed in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, some economists say a recession is inevitable, if not already...
16 Things You Can Do to Prepare for the Next Recession
16 Things You Can Do to Prepare for the Next Recession
Why are people more afraid of flying than driving, even though car wrecks are far more frequent? As one academic suggests, “in a car, at...
Attorneys: Are Your Emergency Funds Ready for a Recession?
Attorneys: Are Your Emergency Funds Ready for a Recession?
It’s ironic. As an attorney, you’re constantly counseling clients on how to manage the never-ending curve balls that come their way. This leaves you precious...
Recession Risk, Inverted Yield Curves and Stock Market Volatility
Recession Risk, Inverted Yield Curves and Stock Market Volatility
Given the sheer volume of unfolding news of late, it’s certainly understandable if you have real concerns: Is a recession coming? What happens in a...
What is Your Retirement Planning Readiness?
What is Your Retirement Planning Readiness?
When assessing their retirement income planning strategy, most people want to maintain their current standard of living after they retire. That’s why they are saving...
Why it (Literally) Pays to Work with an Independent Insurance Agent
Why it (Literally) Pays to Work with an Independent Insurance Agent
“You rate!” is usually a compliment – but not when it comes to life insurance rates. As I’ll explain in a moment, YOU may think you’re...
You Are Not Average – Your Liability Coverage Shouldn’t be Either
You Are Not Average – Your Liability Coverage Shouldn’t be Either
In the game of Monopoly, it’s a bit of a bummer if you land on the “Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200” square....
Does Money Buy Happiness?
Does Money Buy Happiness?
There’s a cliché that money can’t buy happiness. Is that true? Thanks to research from Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, authors of...
Do You Have Investment Strategies That Factor Risk From Your Stellar Career?
Do You Have Investment Strategies That Factor Risk From Your Stellar Career?
Connecting Your Career with Your Financial Capital Part 4: Quantifying the Worth of Your Wealth Welcome back to our multipart series on how to balance...
Protecting an Attorney’s Greatest Financial Asset: Disability Insurance
Protecting an Attorney’s Greatest Financial Asset: Disability Insurance
If there’s one thing you learn early on as an attorney, it’s how to minimize life’s risks. You’re trained to sniff out risks buried in...
Sending Students to College? Insurance and Other Important Issues
Sending Students to College? Insurance and Other Important Issues
Sending a student away to college is the bridge between childhood and independence. I need to avoid being the cobbler with no shoes,  because for...
How Smart Investors Factor in Themselves as an Asset
How Smart Investors Factor in Themselves as an Asset
Connecting Your Career with Your Financial Capital Part 2: Your Human Capital as an Investment Welcome back to our multipart series on how to balance...

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