By Larry Swedroe, Head of Financial and Economic Research, Buckingham Strategic Partners While each year features new twists on the age-old investment stories, smart investors...
“You can outsource expertise but never your understanding, especially when it comes to your finances.” — Ben Carlson, “Don’t Fall For It” As we covered in...
With all the market volatility and chaos around the Covid 19 outbreak, people are wondering how this volatility is going to affect them. This volatility...
There’s a cliché that money can’t buy happiness. Is that true? Thanks to research from Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, authors of...
As much as I value the unfettered access to information the internet provides, I recognize the potential harm that too much information can cause. Take,...
Sometimes the best, most rigorously developed financial advice is so obvious, it’s become cliché. And yet, investors often end up abandoning this same advice when...
It’s been well-documented that stock prices tend to react positively when companies announce an increase in dividends. That’s in contrast to economic theory, which holds that companies...
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