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Cogent Strategic Wealth

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Why Do So Many Investors Keep Playing the Loser’s Game?
Why Do So Many Investors Keep Playing the Loser’s Game?
The other day, a wealth advisor colleague called to relate his conversation with a prospective client who had questioned the academic basis of our evidence-based...
Wait and You Will Likely Miss Out
Wait and You Will Likely Miss Out
With all the warnings about excessively high valuations investors have been getting from gurus and the financial media, it’s not a surprise that a frequent...
Take Some Action in Response to the Equifax Data Breach
Take Some Action in Response to the Equifax Data Breach
You have no doubt heard about the massive data breach at Equifax, a credit monitoring service. According to the company, the data of 143 million...
Your 529 College Savings Plan Quick Reference
Your 529 College Savings Plan Quick Reference
Are you making best use of the 529 College Savings Plan, or have you been procrastinating when it comes to putting your best-laid plans in place?...
What’s the Big Deal about Big Ideas?
What’s the Big Deal about Big Ideas?
We tend to go on a lot about evidence-based investment management, and how important it is for investors to approach the market from the right...
Let’s Grade the Market Forecasters
Let’s Grade the Market Forecasters
The financial media tends to focus much of its attention on stock market forecasts by so-called gurus. They do so because they know that it...
Quit Monkeying Around
Quit Monkeying Around
In the world of investment management there is an oft-discussed idea that blindfolded monkeys throwing darts at pages of stock listings can select portfolios that...
Save Social Security for Later, When You Need it Most
Save Social Security for Later, When You Need it Most
I think we’ve been looking at Social Security retirement benefits all wrong. In the long-running debate about when to take Social Security — as early...
Misconceptions About the Market: Are You Prepared?
Misconceptions About the Market: Are You Prepared?
If you enjoy fine literature, we recommend all of Warren Buffett’s annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholder letters, dating back to 1965. While financial reports are rarely the...
What Fewer Stocks Means for Factor Premiums
What Fewer Stocks Means for Factor Premiums
Jason Zweig, financial columnist for The Wall Street Journal, is one of the truly “good guys” in the world of financial media (by which I...
Take More Risk in Life and Less in Investing
Take More Risk in Life and Less in Investing
“I just really wish I’d taken more risk in my investment portfolio,” said no one–ever–on their deathbed. That may seem like an odd observation, unless...
Getting What You Don’t Pay For
Getting What You Don’t Pay For
Costs matter. Whether you’re buying a car or selecting an investment strategy, the costs you expect to pay are likely to be an important factor in...

Success should be a reward - not an obstacle

Your ambitions and struggles are unique, so our wealth solutions go beyond the conventional – they reflect your needs and wants.